Easy is Right
Chu’i the draftsman could draw more perfect circles
free hand than with a compass.
His fingers brought forth spontaneous forms from
nowhere. His mind was meanwhile free and without
concern with what he was doing.
No application was needed, his mind was ferfectly
simple and knew no obstacle.
So, when the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten; when the
belt fits, the belly is forgotten; and when the heart is
right, ‘for’ and ‘against’ are forgotten.
No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions:
Then your affairs are under control.
You are a free man.
Easy is right. Begin right and you are easy.
Continues easy and you are right.
The right way to go easy is to forget the right wayand forget that the going is easy.
-----< Taoism > 350 BC
At Positive Speaking, when we teach Chinese, we feel easy to help students to build confidence, speak correctly and progress quickly. Therefore we believe the innovative teaching method we are using is correct.
‘Begin right and you are easy.’ Now you are learning a new language, if you feel easy that means you have chosen a right course. Remember ‘Easy is Right’.